Grandmaster Ashida Kim
My Martial Arts Philosophy
"I am not the greatest, merely a small voice in a large chorus..."
Ashida Kim is an internationally renowned martial arts expert who teaches and lectures on Ninjitsu,
the Invisible Fist, around the world. He is the author of The Secrets of the Ninja, Secrets of Invisibility, Ninja Mind Control, The Invisible Fist,
Iron Body Ninja, and many other books. He began his study of the martial arts at age twelve. His father being a career soldier, he had frequent
opportunities to attend a variety of Judo classes. Almost every post where they were stationed had one. At that time Judo was the only Oriental
system available to Western students. Karate was an advanced level that was offered only to seniors, although there were a few striking techniques
in Judo known as Atemi-Waza. Since most of the members of these clubs were professional soldiers, they had little time for children. So, as in the
Shaolin monastery experience, he was more often than not restricted to sweeping the mat and observing than to any actual instruction until age fourteen.
By the time his father retired he was sixteen years old and at Brown Belt level: although the experience of often changing Judo clubs had left him with
little regard for earning belt rank, since Judoka of that period held to the tradition that one must begin each time from the beginning. He does credit
this training, however, with teaching him the proper and safe way to fall; which has held him in good stead throughout his practice, and saved him many times.
While at university, he attended a Karate demonstration given by a Yudansha who had trained in Okinawa. His style was
Shotokan and he too had learned while his father had been stationed overseas. By then Karate was fairly widespread and there were hints of an even
more deadly art known as Kung Fu that began to surface. Adding the repertoire of kicks and punches to his arsenal of Judo and Wrestling holds, he
soon picked up the system, based in large part on the discipline of patience and practice he had learned in the Gentle Way. Hard style or linear
Karate is widely taught today, the most popular being Taekwondo, the Hand and Foot Way. Many basic strikes and practice forms are similar. They can
be taught to large or small groups by rote, and develop excellent military discipline.
The legend has always been that Ashida Kim, using another name, went to Chicago in 1968 to work with a motorcycle club to provide “security” for the
protesters at the Democratic National Convention. And, that while there he learned the world’s deadliest fighting secrets from Count Dante in a secret
Dojo. Although there are those born long after these events who dispute this story, two of the original members of the Black Dragon Fighting Society,
Grandmaster Doug Dwyer and Grandmaster Lawrence Day, who were personal students of Count Dante at the time have confirmed that he was there.
"No one believed John Keehan/Count Dante went to Death Matches in China. Until Frank Dux proved that he did it
too. No one believed that Ashida Kim ever met Count Dante, until now. No matter what the proof, people tend to believe what they want in spite of the
truth or lack of facts to support their point. And, it doesn’t matter if they are right or wrong. What matters is the Way. Martial arts are not about
fighting. They are about self-improvement, about empowering the individual to stand up for himself and do the right thing…” Ashida Kim
This made possible the study of Ninjitsu, the Silent Way. By far, the most savage and terrifying form of self-
defense ever devised. Among its diverse weaponry are Dim Mak, the mysterious Chinese Touch of Death. A complete study of human anatomy and a logical
progression from the basic vital and fatal points of Karate to the strangleholds and resuscitation techniques of Judo. Kuji Kiri, the strategy and tactics
of combat as well as the psychology of man. And, the Art of Invisibility, Inpo and Tonpo, entering and escaping in addition to secret techniques of the
magical arts. Thus earning the Ninja a reputation as "men who could fight or disappear." This together with their philosophy of non-violence, has made them
one of the most misunderstood martial arts of the 20th century. All of which they relish, amused at the humor of so much confusion.
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Ashida Kim became famous in the 1980s by being the ONLY anonymous masked Ninja in the martial arts marketplace.
All the others were too proud of their faces. But, Kim knew the reason for the mask was not to hide your identity, rather to let it be known that anyone could
be under that hood. And so strike fear in the hearts of evil-doers that they might encounter the wrath of the mystic-warriors of the night, the ghost soldiers,
the NINJA! Looked for cannot be seen; listened for, cannot be heard; felt for cannot be touched. Men who can fight like ten tigers, or vanish in a puff of smoke.
Since that time, Master Ashida Kim has written more than fifty books on the subject of martial arts, distributed
worldwide and in nine different translations by a dozen or more publishers who have stolen his intellectual property for their own profit. He has toured on
the international circuit to South Africa, where he appeared on SABC's "Late Night Live" with Kevin Savage. And, to the Land of Oz to be on Good Morning
Australia, teach Qi Gong and be written up in People magazine. As well as to Germany and Italy in his role as an International Ambassador of the Shinja Martial Arts
University. In 2009 he was inducted into the USKA Martial Arts Hall of Fame as Grandmaster of the Year. He has travelled the world, appeared on television and radio programs, in magazines and book signings, met and
trained with the finest martial artists on the planet who represent all styles and systems, modern and traditional, and taught hundreds of seminars on
Ninjitsu; and always with the same message:
“Fighting is not the answer. You can impose your will by strength of arms for only as long as you are strong.
Eventually you grow old and die and the empire is lost. The only real and lasting change can be made through love, helping each other, setting a good
example for all…”
Ashida Kim has been trained to do things and seen things that other men can only dream of. His knowledge and
insight into the human mind and world affairs make even the most complicated issue a simple matter. He could easily rip off your head and spit in your neck,
if he wanted to. He could creep up on you and knock you out with a stranglehold and bring you back as a Japanese zombie. He can break bricks with his bare
hand. But, he chooses not to. Because the same energy that can break a brick or a bone or burst an internal organ, can be used to heal. Every martial art
has healing techniques at the advanced levels of training, so that the masters, who are responsible for the welfare of their students, will be able to deal
appropriately with any injuries they might encounter and teach them to heal others. This is the highest level of martial art, reserved only for the Meijin,
the great teachers. And, in keeping with this tradition, Ashida Kim has chosen to turn the arts of destruction he once learned into ways to help his fellow
man. In this way, good deeds spread out like the ripples on a pond and cover the whole earth.
That is why he has been awarded the 10th Degree Black Belt, the highest level given, in Black Dragon Ninjitsu and
named as the founder of his personal system of fighting and invisibility known as Mugei-Mumei no Jitsu, which means, “no name, no art.” Because the first rule
of the Silent Way is you don’t talk about Fight Club. Ninja in feudal Japan were sworn to an oath of absolute secrecy, forbidden under pain of death even
to tell their own family they were trained to be both warriors and spies.
“No name, no art” is not a martial arts style. Not any more than Ninjitsu or Ninjutsu is. In fact, it is based on
only one technique from the deadly Ninja arsenal. Throwing sand in the opponent’s face to make him blink so you can duck out of sight or hide. Everything
else works from that single principle. This may sound unfair, sort of a “dirty tricks” method of fighting. That is because it is not about fighting it is
about running away. Every real martial arts class begins with the admonition that you are about to learn how break bones, choke out and kill, cripple or
maim. That this art is so deadly that you must only use it in self defense, which means after you have exhausted every avenue of escape. So the first rule
is run away. The ancestors who developed this system of fighting without fighting where healers and physicians of their age. They didn’t want to hurt
anyone. They wanted the help their people and teach them how to live a long and healthy life through nutrition and exercise. This came from the origin
of their philosophy, the Pole Star School, thousands of years before. So, when faced with the siege of the Shogun’s genocidal attacks, they developed the
only non-violent martial art known to man. Because it takes two to make a fight. If you refuse to participate, then the aggressor suddenly realizes he is
being a bully. That doesn’t mean you let him beat you up. You just vanish. That makes him think you have magic powers. And, may give him pause about
attacking you again. Using this principle the teachers were able to quickly empower their people to defend themselves. After all, how long does it take to
learn how to throw a handful of sand? And so, some of them survived. There are no specific kata in Ninjitsu. Some sensei select kata from other systems as
practice drills. But, because Koga prefecture Ninjitsu does not rely on kata as a method of transmitting its teachings, because there is no codified
syllabus, according to Japanese doctrine, it cannot be officially considered a martial arts “do,” or style. This is true of many systems. After all, there
was a war going on. There really wasn’t time to teach anyone a set of kata composed of vanishing techniques, all that came later as the teachers shared the
history and principles with their students. “No name (secret identity to avoid the Shogun’s unwarranted wrath), and No art (style).”
Ashida Kim has been awarded a host of honors and awards, far too many to list here. In addition to teaching,
both at his own Dojo and on contract to other schools, he sometimes accepts private students pro bono, yet is virtually unknown to any but his closest
allies. Simply because he does not boast nor brag of these accomplishments. He is much to busy participating in the glorious adventure that is his life.